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Letter for At Risk Groups Posted or Updated on 7 Apr 2020

Dear patients,

As you may be aware the government have sent over a million letters to patients advising them that they are in a ‘at risk’ group and should isolate for the next 12 weeks.

These letters were produced using hospital data and not data from GP Practices. As a result the government announced that the GP practices will be writing to additional patients by the beginning of this week.

As you may have noticed, there has been a delay in this process centrally by NHS England / NHS Digital. We have been informed that the additional letters are being produced this week.

We understand and share your frustrations regarding the delay in this process and politely ask you to respect our staff whilst we wait for this situation to be resolved. To clarify, it is completely out of our control and we are dependent on NHS England / NHS Digital informing us (and other GP practices across the country) once these additional patients have been identified.

Once the additional patents have been identified and the letters sent, we will let you know.

Thank you again for your patience.

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